Professional Poet, Life Coach, Educator, Artist – Runs Workshops, Gives Reiki & Wellbeing Training

Tag: education (Page 2 of 2)

Patricia Foster’s News and Updates for June 2013

Panel Discussion, Poetry Readings, Crystal Palace Festival, Making A Short Film with Mellow 9 Productions and Workshops

Performing at the 2Inspire Fundraising event

Performing at the 2Inspire Fundraising event

It is already hard to believe that the month of June is upon us. Lots of changes have occurred around me. Professionally, the first few weeks have been fairly busy.

On the 7th, I took part in a panel discussion, looking at the role of businesses and sole traders in African Inter-trade within Africa and the African Diaspora. This was hosted by Sustainable Hills. A video will be posted shortly.

On the 8th, I continued my involvement within The Virtue Programme, empowering young girls with the skills and training needed to be the leaders of tomorrow.

Also on the 8th June, I performed poetry at the 2Inspire Fundraising event.


Myself on the film shoot!  Photo: Flora van den Berg, Mellow 9 Productions

Myself on the film shoot!
Photo: Flora van den Berg, Mellow 9 Productions

I have recently commissioned the amazing film making company Mellow 9 Productions to bring my poem ‘Lips’ to life. They have worked with a host of top UK spoken word artists. Filming took place on Wednesday 26th June 2013. The cast were superb. The crew were excellent, highly professional and an absolute joy to work with. I Will post further details and video link soon. Very exciting!

On Sunday 30th June 2013, I will be a featured poet, along side a fantastic line up of amazing poets at


Hosted by “BEYOND WORDS”
Which celebrates local poets
musicians, and you
Upstairs, 4pm at
21 Westow Street SE19 3RY.

Using Poetry to Empower and Inspire Young Vulnerable People! By Patricia Foster

“I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”
~ Albert Einstein


Back in 2005, a dear friend of mine asked if I would like to facilitate a poetry workshop at an east London school, where she worked as an Art Therapist. Her work at the school was on behalf of the fantastic Kids Company. At this juncture I was already aware of the wonderful work Kids Company was doing with young, emotionally challenged, but enthusiastic young people.

Over a four week period, I worked with children ranging from Year 2 to Year 4, to bring out their poetic talents. Seeing their excitement at having the opportunity to express and unleash their creativity through the art of literature was so heartwarming. Young people, some whom had never met a poet before, were soaring in confidence and brimming with self belief. I recall receiving high fives in the corridor from some of my students and a passing comment ‘Ah, my favourite poet’. All of this was testimony to the huge transformations taking place. The opportunity to change lives was made possible through Kids Company.

Patricia Foster is a London based Writer, performer, creative/ICT education consultant, workshop facilitator and Coach. She has worked for the BBC, Apples and Snakes, in UK and USA schools and with many London Libraries.

For further info, email [email protected] or visit and
Follow her on Twitter @Ms_P_Foster

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