“Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is.” ~ Albert Camus
“You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking.” ~ Marianne Williamson

What Is Your Life Purpose?
How many of us have moved through life, not realising we have a unique gift or talent? How often does fear play a part in preventing us from unleashing our gifts and talents to the world? How many of us are actually utilising this gift to make a difference to another person’s life?

What would you say is your God given, divine purpose in life? What do you feel destined or driven to do? Those of us who have identified a gift, sometimes shy away from the reality of how big an impact they can make on the world and the possibility of shouldering the responsibility of using this gift to make a difference. Some of us may need help or guidance identifying what this special gift is.
Making a difference doesn’t have to mean standing at a pulpit like Martin Luther King, or being an iconic national leader, such as Nelson Mandela. Making a difference can simply mean inspiring just ONE person to positively change their lives, or empowering and inspiring young people through teaching or mentoring.

How will you…yes, YOU… choose to unleash your unique, God given gift the World is waiting to receive?
© Patricia Foster
Patricia Foster is an Award-Winning, Internationally Published Poet, a qualified Holistic Life Coach, Performer, Visual and Multimedia Artist (BA Hons), Certified Tutor/Trainer & Facilitator, Dynamic Educator and Creative Consultant. She is also a Certified Reiki Healer, Vegan and lover of Raw Food.
For further info, email prfoster@hotmail.com
or visit http://about.me/patriciafoster
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