Professional Poet, Life Coach, Educator, Artist – Runs Workshops, Gives Reiki & Wellbeing Training

Category: Emotional Abuse

LIPS – Anti-Bullying Poetry Film. Written and Performed by Award-Winning Poet Patricia Foster McKenley. Produced by Mellow 9 Productions. Anti-Bullying Week 2018.

As a young child and teenager, I was bullied. As an adult, I have been bullied. These experiences prompted me to write my poem ‘Lips’.
I recently had the poem ‘Lips’ skilfully made into a film by the brilliant Mellow 9 Productions. So thankful for this. 

The poem and film focuses on the traumatic impact of bullying and how important it is to reach out to and seek comfort and refuge from those who can support us. 
I currently use my poetry film ‘Lips’ in poetry, self esteem and anti-bullying workshops. Please contact me for more details and to book a workshop.
Bullying affects more people than we realise.
Watch the film here!






Poet, Holistic Coach, Trainer and Speaker Patricia Foster Nominated in THREE Categories at 2016 R.E.E.B.A Awards. Please vote for her!

Dear Friends, Clients and Acquantences,
I am really flattered and humbled and equally delighted to share with you that I have been nominated in THREE categories at this year’s R.E.E.B.A Awards.
I would therefore be extremely honoured if you could please vote for me.

The Categories in which I have been nominated for are:



How can people Vote for me?
1) You will need to Scan the Bar Code on my Voting Flyer/ or Visit the R.E.E.B.A Website!vote-now-1/c1159
2) Enter your name and email, followed by name of nominee (Patricia Foster) and category.
For every time a person votes for me, if they Visit the R.E.E.B.A facebook page and write a comment saying WHY they voted for me, then they will be automatically entered in with a chance to win a FREE ticket to attend the 2016 R.E.E.B.A Awards Ceremony. The R.E.E.B.A Awards will be choosing 1 lucky Winner!
So please VOTE for Patricia Foster.
Thank you so much and stay blessed!

#FanPageFriday – Like ‘YouAreYOU’ Facebook Page. For Holistic Coaching, Motivational and Training Services: From Coach and Poet Patricia Foster




Welcome to ‘You Are YOU’ Holistic Coaching, Empowerment, Talks, Wellbeing & Training Services – Specialising in Life Transitions.

We provide coaching, empowerment, healthy eating and mentoring services to individuals and groups, as well as facilitate workshops at conferences, seminars, events and within community organisations and libraries. 

Like Our Facebook Page for FREE Tips and Motivation:

Thank you for Liking our Page!

Quote of the Day, by Patricia Foster: ‘Acceptance, Patience and Love Towards Others’

In our modern style of living and busyness, it is very easy to lose sight of where a friend or loved one is in their life. To misunderstand the journey they are on. To have little or no concept of what they are going through.

For those experiencing pain or personal challenges, reaching out to another can be extremely difficult.

This week, two high profile young twenty-somethings – Peaches Geldof, daughter of Sir Bob and the late Paula Yates (25) and Karyn Washington, founder of (22) – were both found dead on 7th April and 8th April respectively. At the time of writing this blog, tests are still being carried out on Peaches and Karyn apparently committed suicide.

In my line of work with young people, I often rely on intuition to gauge if someone is in need of support. A listening ear, or by removing our own judgement of another, is usually all it takes to help that friend or loved one get back on track.

Who could do with your listening ear today?

Please feel free to leave a comment and share.


Super Woman: Taking Everyday In Her Stride!

“As a woman, today and hereafter, I choose to express myself at my highest potential! That is my divine purpose and mission on this Earth.”
~ Patricia Foster McKenley, 8th March 2012

Performance at book launch of ‘Irki’ by Kadija George, at The Barbican. Photo: Rousha Browning / SABLE LitMag

Imagine how this world would be if as individual women, we decided to reach for our highest potential and operate from that place for as much of our lives as possible. Imagine if we tapped into our innate powers and energies daily.

I wrote the above quote for International Women’s Day in March. March is also reknowned for celebrating International Women’s Week and International Women’s Month. We are also celebrating Mothering Sunday or Mother’s Day on Sunday, March 30th in 2014, so lots of female energy to tap into and generate. Lots of magic and miracles to create.

So as a woman, how will you choose to express yourself and your positive, female energy today, this month, in March and for the rest of the year? It is our divine gift to share with our loved ones and the world.

Patricia Foster McKenley.

Patricia will be running Poetry Workshops, Self-Esteem Workshops for Young Women and Writing/Personal Development Workshops for Women during International Women’s Month. She’ll also be performing at various Poetry Readings throughout March. For bookings, contact:

+447956 476 547
[email protected]

Please feel free to follow Patricia on Twitter @Ms_P_Foster


Abuse in Relationships: The Possible Impact on Women and Girls

20140103-004130.jpgPhoto: © Patricia Foster

In response to “Start Anew” by Taurus Riley.

“When abuse is also emotional, psychological and verbal, as hard as it is, that is a crucial time to walk away. This is not love and no amount of repeated apologies, gifts or flowers makes it OK! ”
~ Patricia Foster

I was alighted to a video by one of my favourite artists, Jamaican singer Taurus Riley. The 2009 song ‘Start Anew’ depicts the emotionally charged dynamics of relationship abuse towards women.

He cleverly conveys very powerful words and a strong message for women currently in abusive relationships. Abuse in relationships can be mental or emotional, as well as physical.

The scars – emotional, mental or physical – can stay with some women for years, impacting on their lives, their choices and those around them.

I think it is also important for a man to speak out against abuse towards women in a relationship. This also reinforces the message and shows there are positive and progressive men who will not tolerate this behaviour and are making it clear they will not be covering up for their fellow men’s misdemeanours.

‘What about us men?’, I hear you cry. Yes, abuse against men does exist. This was recently highlighted in the dramatised physical abuse storyline between Coronation Street’s characters Tyrone Dobbs and his fiancé Kirsty Soames (portrayed by Alan Halsall and Natalie Gumede respectively). In July 2013, the wife of former motorcycle stunt rider Eddie Kidd was sentenced for physical abuse towards her husband.

Statistics show that in the UK, more women are likely to suffer relationship abuse than men.
A February 2013 online article in ‘Family Law Week’ contains findings from the survey ‘Focus on Violent Crime and Sexual Offences 2011/12’. The survey reveals “7% of women and 5% of men have suffered domestic abuse in the year 2011-2012. This equates to an estimated figure of 1.2 million female and 800,000 male victims. The article also defines relationship or domestic abuse as: “‘domestic abuse’ includes non-physical abuse, threats, force, sexual assault or stalking carried out by a current or former partner or other family member.”

Speaking from a woman’s point of view (I have unfortunately experienced relationship abuse), abuse against women in relationships can be as subtle as it is obvious.

Sometimes it may take a while to realise that what you are involved in is abuse. It may be easier for outsiders to say “why did you go there?”. Instead, I believe understanding, support and perhaps refuge should be offered to the abused, so they have time to heal and grow stronger.

It is important as well for parents and guardians to empower girls and young women with the tools and positive, mental attitude to steer them along the path towards supportive, loving relationships. These seeds can be planted early on by demonstrating and exposing them to positive, loving examples of relationships in the home as well as through the media. Also imparting them with the wisdom and knowledge as to how they inform others the way they wish to be treated as a girl/young woman/female. One of the modules I recently co-delivered on a six-week course entitled ‘The Virtue Programme’ covered exactly this notion of communicating with others how we wish to be treated and how we want others to engage with us.

Of course, this is easier said than done. If the intention at the onset is to prepare young girls for future relationships, then over time and with practice, empowering our young girls with inner-strengthening tools and messages will become easier. I would also add that it is important while delivering these messages the importance of painting men in a positive light as opposed to misogynistic monsters.

Relationship abuse is within the underbelly of our community and comes in many guises. Abuse, any type of abusive, should not be tolerated on any level whatsoever.

Well done, Mr Riley!

© Patricia Foster 6th November 2013

“Start Anew” by Taurus Riley 2009.

Article in ‘Family Law Week’, Survey: ‘Focus on Violent Crime and Sexual Offences 2011/12’


Patricia Foster – Poet, Educator and Inspirational Workshops

“I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”
~ Albert Einstein

Photo: Giorgis Media

Photo: Giorgis Media

Photo: Celile Stille

Photo: Celile Stille

Teaching, Training and Coaching – the connection from my soul to the Universe. My gift to all. I love what I do and enjoy doing what I love! This quote by Albert Einstein probably explains why I love to create the best learning environment for my learners, of all ages and abilities!

My approach to education is unique, empathic, holistic, creative and empowering. My aim is to empower individuals of all ages and sections of the community, to be the best person they can be. To guide them to uncover their own inner tools and gifts to succeed in life. To help improve their lives and wellbeing through poetry, writing, creativity, multi media, coaching, consultancy and holistic health & nutrition advice.

I am available for poetry workshops, as well as creative, multi media, personal development and wellbeing workshops, in any establishment – the more unusual, the better! I can also provide consultancy or guide you through the steps to set up your community multi media project.

If you require an internationally recognised professional poet for:

  • Primary or Secondary Schools
  • PSHE Classes
  • Assemblies
  • Black History Month
  • National Poetry Day
  • World Book Day
  • International Women’s Day
  • Residencies
  • Interactive or Traditional Storytelling
  • Corporate Training Days
  • Team Building Events
  • Workshops with Senior Citizens
  • Workshops in Youth and Community Groups
  • Workshops on Bullying
  • Workshops in Pupil Referal Units (PRUs)
  • Workshops in Libraries
  • Workshops in Prisons

contact me and I’ll guarantee a stimulating, positive and engaging session.

Check out the rest of my site to find out what other training and education services I can provide.

Lips – New Poetry Film Release by Award-Winning Poet & Educator Patricia Foster McKenley. A Poet’s View on Teenage Bullying!


Photo ©️Mellow 9 Productions

I am really pleased to share with you that the film version of my poem ‘Lips’, which tackles the theme of teenage bullying, has been released. It is uncanny how it has been released at a time when bullying and in particular cyber bullying, has been in the news of late; not just here in the UK but world wide.


Photo ©️Mellow 9 Productions

It has been quite emotional for me to see my poem brought to life on film, by the amazingly talented Mellow 9 Productions The journey from poem idea – first developed in a Malika’s Poetry Kitchen Friday session – to film has been eleven years. The topic of bullying and identity being relevant then as it is now.

This film also couldn’t have been brought to life in such a magnificent way, without the superb young female actors – who were so serendipitously cast – provided by The Girls Friendly Society of England and Wales (GFS Platform Islington Project). Located in the London borough of Islington, this wonderful project delivers a wide range of exciting activities, workshops and events for young women aged 11 to 19, to widen their horizons, encourage debates and boost confidence and aspirations. Learn more about The Girls Friendly Society of England and Wales (GFS) and the wonderful they do nationwide, by visiting

It was an absolute pleasure to work with such a brilliant cast and crew.

I currently use my film ‘Lips’ within self esteem, personal development and anti-bullying Workshops and so far have used in Workshops in Jamaica, The Netherlands and universities, youth centres and community organisations in the UK. 

Click on the link below to view the film

Lips © Text Copyright Patricia Foster McKenley 2002

To book a Workshop, contact Patricia Foster McKenley on [email protected] or call +447956476547